Téléphone: + 353 56 7794419
Courriel: mailto:integration@kilkennycoco.ie
Cours d'anglais
Disposition en anglais
Kilkenny Carlow Education and Training Board (KCETB) offers free English language skills courses for adults. If you need to learn English or improve your English please contact the ETB on 056 77 70966 or by email at info@kcetb.ie. KCETB provides English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL). The service is free and classes are designed to meet the needs of each learner. Day and evening classes are available on an ongoing basis throughout the year.
Failte Isteach
Conversational English classes are also provided by Failte Isteach in the Fr. McGrath Centre. Failte Isteach is a community project involving volunteers who welcome migrants through conversational English classes. If you are interested in joining the classes, contact immigrantservicekk@gmail.com or call Theresa on 086 192 7033.
English language supports & Healthcare workers
Health professionals wanting to work in the Irish public health service have to be registered with the relevant professional regulator. One of the requirements for registration is the need to have achieved a minimum IELTS or OETS score, as proof of English language proficiency. There are clinical language supports in place to help refugees achieve English language proficiency which will in turn support their professional registration. These clinical language supports are aimed at Ukrainian and refugee healthcare workers who are looking for professional registration with the relevant statutory regulator. A new website outlines these supports and applicants can apply on this portal: https://regpath.ie/
The FAQs on this website provide information on who can apply, types of language courses, eligibility process etc.
This programme is key in supporting Ukrainian/ other refugee groups towards gaining employment in healthcare professional roles.